introduction to help on demand


Help On Demand is a consumer assistance referral system that quickly connects consumers seeking assistance with Marketplace-registered, state-licensed agents and brokers in their area who can provide immediate assistance with Marketplace plans and enrollments.

This training provides an overview of the Help On Demand process and outlines the roles and responsibilities expected of participating agents and brokers.

Insurance agents and brokers with little to no knowledge of the Help On Demand platform.

Describe the purpose and functionality of the Help On Demand tool.

Explain how Help On Demand connects consumers with Marketplace-registered agents and brokers.

Comprehend the roles and responsibilities of agents and brokers participating in Help On Demand.

Articulate Storyline: Concise explanations of key concepts with real-world examples.

Interactive Exercises: Quick hands-on activities to practice identifying phishing emails.

Quizzes: True/false questions to reinforce learning.

project design document

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